Scoring Awards 2023
/Our open house event on May 13th gave us the chance to give out the awards from our antler scoring back in January!
We also presented an award to Alison MacIsaac for "Outstanding Service to the Club" for her years on our Board of Directors and ongoing support.
Ron Nemecek also received an "Outstanding Service to the Club" award, but was not in attendance.
Scoring Awards 2023
Men’s Category
Bull Elk: Leland Birnie
Mountain Goat: Amedeo Dell Fatti
Black Bear
First: Russel Wagner
Second: Ray Throop
Whitetail Deer
First: Brian Harris
Second: Russell Wagner
Typical Mule Deer: Gerry Mauvieux
Moose: Ryan Gale
These three awards are for the North American Unlimited category.
Typical Mule Deer: Seth Rondeau
Elk: Seth Rondeau
Whitetail Deer: Andrew Anderson
Ladies Category
Typical Mule Deer: Deanna Mcelderry
Whitetail Deer: Tashina Wenzoski
Ladies Grand Aggregate - Whitetail Deer: Tashina Wenzoski