Blaeberry River Confluence Reclamation
/The Club is managing the reclamation of the gravel pit near the confluence of the Blaeberry River in partnership with the Ministry of Forests Lands Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development with funding provided by the Real Estate Foundation’s Healthy Watershed Initiative.
Cottonwood and willow stakes planted along dyke. Large wood integrated into rip rap to create fish habitat.
This work has included the construction of a fence between the Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area and agricultural lands, stabilizing the banks of the Blaeberry River with rip rap and the planting of vegetation and the construction of a backchannel wetland. We have imported hundreds of loads of woody debris and topsoil to help reestablish vegetation and have constructed numerous habitat features targeted at a wide variety of species. With help from the Golden Secondary School Outdoor Education class, we also planted hundreds of willow shrubs and cottonwood trees. We are nearing the completion of this project and are excited for what the future of this project will hold for the benefit of the fish and wildlife of the area.
Coconut cloth installed to prevent erosion and help establish grass growth.
Woody debris piles built up for habitat in constructed backchannel wetland feature.