2021 Sheep Collaring
/On December 6th and 7th, the Golden District Rod and Gun Club in partnership with the Ktunaxa Nation Council worked along side BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Parks Canada, the local Conservation Officer Service and various representatives from the Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4 Project to deploy two GPS collars on bighorn sheep in the Golden area. The local bighorn sheep herd’s home range expands across and beyond the highway project footprint in the Kicking Horse Canyon. We are monitoring these sheep to best advise on mitigating impacts to the herd and to work towards a positive future for the species locally. Collaring allows us to better understand habitat use and changes in habitat use, model for future habitat enhancement work and collect samples that are analyzed for various individual and herd health factors.
This bighorn sheep monitoring project has been made possible through funding and support from the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, Ktunaxa Nation Council, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure the Province of BC, Hemmera, Wild Sheep Society of BC, and volunteer efforts from the Golden District Rod and Gun Club members.
Photo Credit: Hilary Evans